Fifth day of training! And also the last third day too! TIME REALLY FLIES FAST! And I can't believe that we are going to Japan soon! Anyway, here are the details!

From 7 30 to 8 15 we were like wearing our new Blue and Yellow JENESYS T-shirts and whoa, are they pretty and colourful! Not to mention that we were taking lots of pictures (You can see that there are more than 20 cameras on that tables later in the photos). A whole group first, with 26 of us (Excluding Julius's late arrival), then Iwate's group, then Wakayama's group and finally, the chaperons!

After that, It's dancing time again, and this time, it's more fun than work. We actually skip half of our break time just to dance! Now why didn't anyone tell me that traditional dance is that fun at the beginning?

At 10 30, shortly after the break, it's presentation time again! Or rather, it's time to put the final touches to the presentation! Noon comes and the muslims had to pray as usual.

At 12 30, everyone went to the resource room and present our own presentation! It can't be said to be perfect, it can't be said to be bad either! Overall, it still needs improvement, then again, that's all what it need!

From 1 45 to 2, we got another short break again before attending our Nihongo (Japanese Language) lesson! Hai, Itadakimas! I forgot to say that during the break, OOPS! ANyway, after that, it's time to show off our dance moves at 3 45. Starting off at 3 45, the Wakayama group show off their dance move first, and HA! HA! Someone got shocked during that shouting, I'm sure of that.

Then, it's Iwate group turn. Their dance moves are more like gracious and pretty, while ours was kinda explosive and well, pretty too! Both groups had done extremely well in their dancing, and well, there's only one problem left, HOW TO KEEP THAT SARONG FROM FALLING!

4 20, time to go home, ah well, another day of training, ends!

Preparing to post for photos!
Preparing to post the photos!

Iwate's group photo

Someone looked weird in this picture, guess who?

Wakayama's group photo!

Another one

The chaperons this year : (Standing from L to R : Cikgu Hanapiah and Cikgu Adi, Sitting rrom L to R : Cikgu Aspalela and Cikgu Zariah)

Candid photo!

Reach for the sky! We are going to anyway in few days...

Putting final touches on the presentation

Iwate's group presenting, that's Willy!

Wajdi presenting

Balqis presenting

Posing! (From L to R: Julius, Fai'zan and Ika)

Guys posing! (From L to R: Nigel, Faiz)

Pose! Pose! From L to R: Akmal, Hany, Ariffin, Yusri

Hany and Faiz posing for photos...before the presentation

Drawing strategy on the blackboard? No, but it sure makes you want to say, BLACKBOARD?!

Taking a break before continue to dance!

A short break for Ika and Narissa

Japanese language lesson by Sensei Sofian!

Ready to learn Japanese? Oh yes, you are!

Sensei Sofian who was a really good teacher at Japanese